Fair Trade
Spot On values partners who are also into fair trade, where everyone gets a fair deal. For us, the best part is seeing exactly where the money from coffee sales ends up. The most gratifying aspect is to watch how it makes life better for people. We make sure that fair trade really does something good, making positive changes. Our focus is on making sure people have good jobs and better education, and that coffee workers are treated with respect. our focus is on promoting fairness, and making trade just and open. We are all about keeping things open and making a positive impact. Whenever we can, we visit Fair Trade coffee producers or communities. We listen to their needs and thoughts about how the program is going, and what improvements we can make. We believe in working together to make things better!
Neighbors and Friends Program
Spot On is a proud partner of the Falcafé Neighbors and Friends Program. Our mission is to disseminate knowledge in the production and technology of specialty coffees to neighbors and friends, with a focus on smallholders and women producers. We aim to increase the production of specialty coffees throughout an important coffee region in Brazil: the Mogiana region of Espírito Santo do Pinhal, in São Paulo, and in and around Ouro Fino, in Minas Gerais. Our focus is on encouraging quality and the production of specialty coffees by combining good varieties, the exclusive terroir of the region, and the correct handling and processing of coffee to obtain a product of excellence. To achieve these goals, the Neighbors and Friends Program holds field days with specific training sessions focused on specialty coffees in partnership with two important institutions in Brazil: SEBRAE AND SENAR, which promote training for small and mid-sized producers. We also organize an annual quality competition, where coffees are recognized in a special event that encourages interaction among participants and provides an opportunity to share ideas and collaborate on adjustments for the future. Learn more about Neighbors and Friends and join us in our commitment to excellence in specialty coffee production. https://neighborsandfriends.com.br/english.php
Rainforest Alliance
Spot On Coffees is proud to be Rainforest Alliance Coffee Certified. We are deeply involved in improving livelihoods for our rural communities, promoting sustainable land management practices to protect forests, biodiversity, and natural resources. Additionally, we address human rights concerns such as child and forced labor, low wages, poor working conditions, and gender inequality. Our efforts also aim to help communities mitigate and adapt to climate impacts. The Rainforest Alliance is working to solve some of the most pressing social and environmental issues of our time—including the climate crisis—by changing the way the world produces and consumes. When you choose Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee you are supporting the farmers who are looking after their workers and our natural resources. www.rainforest-alliance.org. Explore some of our Rainforest Alliance certified coffees